High-Production Hydraulic Portable Sawmill with Accuset2 Controls, Vertical Side Supports, and Chain Log Turner

28.3kW petrol hydraulic sawmill 26.1kW diesel hydraulic sawmill 18.6kW electric hydraulic sawmill

High-production super hydraulic portable sawmill featuring advanced hydraulic log handling, advanced powered saw head controls with setworks, return arm with outfeed table, chain log turner, and fine-adjust outriggers.

  • Built in the USA
Description LT50 Hydraulic Portable Sawmill

The LT50 Hydraulic is a heavy-duty portable sawmill engineered for high-production sawyers. In addition to fine adjust outriggers for precise bed leveling and stability, the LT50 Hydraulic has the same hydraulic log handling as the LT40 Super Hydraulic but includes a bi-directional chain log turner and vertical side supports for faster log positioning.

The sawmill is completely portable and ready for road travel with a standard single axle trailer and electric brakes. Six fine-adjust outriggers allow for quick set-up and precise leveling of the bed prior to sawing. The patented open side of the sawhead allows for minimal leveling during set-up, easy off-bearing with the trapezoid shaped bed, and sawing of odd shaped logs. All log handling functions are hydraulically driven and controlled from a centralized station at the front of the sawmill.

Loaded and turned hydraulically with loading arms and a heavy-duty bi-directional chain log turner, logs are secured onto the bed by four side supports (two hydraulically controlled vertical supports) and a heavy-duty hydraulic log clamp. Two hydraulic roller toeboards assist with precise leveling of the log on the bed for tapered logs. Accuset2 Setworks and powered head controls position the saw head height to prepare for sawing. Accuset2 calculates board thickness to quickly and accurately reposition the sawing head automatically for the next cut. Once the blade is engaged with an auto clutch, the saw head advances through the log with the power feed control that includes variable speed for optimal sawing control. The power feed includes an individual motor that delivers greater forward/reverse head speeds for increased performance. A water tank feeds lubrication directly to the blade to improve cutting performance and keep the blade clean. An auto board return arm and 0.6m x 0.6m outfeed table assists with offbearing boards. An optional debarker helps extend blade life between sharpenings by clearing a 6.35 mm wide path in front of the sawmill blade’s cut entry. The adjustable blade guide arm keeps the blade well supported while cutting various sized material. Blade tension is easily adjusted, and keeps the blade at the proper tension for cutting.

The LT50 Hydraulic portable sawmill comes fully assembled with one Wood-Mizer sawmill blade. The LT50 Hydraulic is backed by the same legendary service, quality and safety features shared by the entire family of Wood-Mizer wood processing equipment.

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Features LT50 Hydraulic Portable Sawmill

Specifications LT50 Hydraulic Portable Sawmill
Power Selections 26kW (35HP) diesel
28.3kW (38HP) petrol
18.6kW (25HP) 460 V 3-Phase Electric
35kW (47HP) diesel
Cutting Capacity
Max Width of Cut 72cm (28")
86cm (34") - Wide Option
Max Log Diameter 91cm (36")
Max Cant Width 28cm (11 1/4")
Production Rate up to 1.65m³/hr (700 bd ft/hr)
Max Log Length 6.4m (21')
Max Log Length (with extensions) 13.7m (45')
Log Weight 1,996kg (4,400lbs)
Blade Length 4,010mm (158'')
4,343mm (171") Wide Option
Blade Guides Style Roller Guides
Blade Lubrication System 18 L (5 Gal.) Water Tank with Automatic Flow
LubeMizer - Optional
Blade Tension System Hydraulic Tension System
Blade Thickness 1.14mm (.045")
1.4mm (.055")
Blade Width 32mm (1 1/4'')
38mm (1 1/2")
Blade Guides Size 31.75mm (1 1/4")
38.10mm (1 1/2")
Blade Wheels
Blade Wheel Diameter 483mm (19")
Blade Wheel Type Belted Blade Wheels
Head Features and Options
Operator Location Stationary Control Station
Setworks Accuset2 Setworks
Head Forward/Reverse High-Output Power Feed
Head Up/Down Electric
Blade Engagement Auto Clutch
Blade Guide Arm Adjusted with Control Switch
Board Removal Auto Board Return Arm & Table
Bed Features and Options
Side Supports 2 Vertical Hydraulic & 2 Manual Side Supports
Log Leveling Hydraulic Leveling Rollers
Log Turning Hydraulic Bi-directional Chain Turner
Log Loading Hydraulic Log Loading Arms
Log Clamping 1 Hydraulic Log Clamp
Additional Bed Options Resaw Attachment
Shingle & Lapsider Attachment
LatheMizer Attachment
1.83m, 3.7m, or 7.4m (6', 12', or 24') Bed Extensions
Machine Dimensions and Requirements
Bed Construction Monorail
Frame Construction Cantilever
Mobility Mobile
Trailer Hitch Size 50mm (2")
Delivery Methods Pick-Up
Weight (heaviest power option) 1,982kg (4,370lbs)
Length 8m (26' 2")
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